The Borgata wants Gemaco to pay $10.1m Ivey baccarat win

In the latest twist in the Phil Ivey v Borgata legal case, the casino wants the card manufacturer Gemaco to repay the $10.1m Ivey won as a result of using flaws in their cards to gain an edge over the casino.

The tools that made the Toyota Production System (TPS) so successful, spread from the bland world of car manufacturing to business sectors the world over thanks to the popularity of The Machine That Changed The World by Daniel Roos, James Womack, and Daniel Jones.

One of these tools was The Five Whys, more commonly known as Root Cause Analysis. Using the metaphor of gardening, root cause analysis is the theory that to prevent a weed from reappearing you had to remove the roots. If you were to remove the ugly head of the plant, eventually it would grow back.

Users of this model called the removal of a defect Poke Yoke.