Think twice before visiting Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic, once a great Caribbean paradise escape, has recently had to send out the public relations emergency responders to counter what has been reported by media outlets as a constant string of murders. That certainly didn’t help the country’s image, but new reports are surfacing about a particular resort that only make matters more complicated. According to the website, 147 tourists have become ill while staying at the Hard Rock Casino Punta Can – 128 in the past week.

According to an article in The New York Post, the site’s founder states that 70 people had written on the site that they had become ill while staying at various resorts in the Dominican Republic since March. After the Post article was published, over a hundred have come forward to reveal that they, too, became ill while vacationing at the Hard Rock. A few had to be hospitalized due to their illnesses.

One person wrote, “After 2 days, my husband became violently ill with diarrhea, fever and nausea. A day later, I became ill with the same, including fever and chills. These symptoms lasted the entire trip. I would estimate that over half of our group became ill as well, some with additional respiratory symptoms that mimicked influenza.”

No one has traced the source of the maladies, but some rumor that it could be caused by illegal alcohol or pesticides. The symptoms indicated by the victims – diarrhea, respiratory problems, vomiting – are indicative of possible methanol intoxication. Methanol is extremely toxic to humans and is sometimes used in producing illegal alcoholic products and certain pesticides.