Three Possibilities Post Brexit and How to Play Each

No doubt this is the 50th article you’ve come across trying to pontificate about exactly what is going to happen now that Brexit has passed and exactly how to trade the Brexit. I don’t know exactly what will happen now and neither does anybody else but here are three possibilities from most to least likely, and what should be done if X possibility happens.

Most likely, after a lot of recriminating and yelling, nothing much will change. I can see the United Kingdom drawing up some kind of deal with the rest of the EU that would be practically the same in terms of trade, which is really the only important and only positive aspect of the existence of the European Union. Everything else is just bureaucrats wrangling over how much money each of them get from taxpayers.

This is the opinion of British journalist and broadcaster Paul Mason, who has already spotted prospective new Prime Minister Boris Johnson toeing the EU line. Says Mason:

So, the leave campaign was saying, “Let’s walk away from Europe and just sign a free trade deal and go global.” Today Johnson is saying, “Let’s not walk away from Europe.” He’s implied they have to sign a single-market deal with Europe that would keep them within most of the European Union’s regulations.