Transform your productivity with these hacks

Do you remember what it’s like working at an office? For some of us, going back to the office may be a pipedream. Whether we ‘love it’ or ‘loathe it,’ working from home is the new normal for the foreseeable future. While the home office maybe your dining room table and you’re going to work in your PJ’s, the situation can take on a “Groundhog Day” feel. Repeating that same routine can become a little monotonous.

The flexibility of working at home can prove to be challenging; there are no co-workers but you’re your own worst enemy. You lose your inhibitions to get shit done in a timely manner and the debate of getting out of your three-day old pyjamas can be a long conversation.

All it takes is a little adjustment to your game to help you get the most out of your day. Check out our productivity hacks below to help you stay focused.

Let there be Great Lighting