Which game saw the most action in Esports betting in 2020?

Esports betting has grown and grown during lockdown, and with more money flowing into the industry during the global COVID-19 pandemic, games such as League of Legends, Fortnite and Call of Duty have been popular destinations for sports bettors looking to broaden their betting scope.

Which game has been the most popular across the board? Well, it’s a close run thing further down the list, but LOOT.BET have looked at all the analytics and come up with some great information about exactly where esports bettors money has been going in the last 12 months.

Over the past year, as you can see below, it’s been a year dominated by bettors investing in CS:GO, or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to you and me.

As you can see, CS:GO saw by far the most money changing hands, with 53% of the total money placed on Esports during this period. Coming in second was the phenomenally popular Dota 2 with 35%, and those two games were predictably trailed by some distance as League of Legends (LoL) scooped up a further 7% of the bet slips.