With Liberation Carnival set to begin, Guam await gambling rules

For the first time in two years, the Liberation Carnival will be allowed to include casino-style card games. However, the Mayor’s Council of Guam is still awaiting the rules and regulations that will govern the activities related to gambling, as they have not been provided and the carnival is now just about six weeks away.

Bill No. 101-35 is a measure that will set forth the policies and guidelines that will be used during the two-month-long festival. However, hearings on the bill are not set to begin until April 29, giving vendors and carnival officials a very small window to prepare for the upcoming event.

This would not be the first hearing related to the measure. The country’s lawmakers already met to discuss the bill since gambling was permitted, something that is disturbing many of the members on the Council, including Executive Director Angel Sablan. “If they have another hearing next week we’re going to say the same things we already said.” He added, “It’s going to be a race against the clock,” as the event is set to begin on June 5 and will run until August 3.

Earlier this month, Bill No. 29-35 allowed for the return of gambling to the carnival. It was signed into law on April 4, but the new rules and regulations governing gambling were not included as part of the legislation.