World Poker Fund Acquire RealDeck For $15m

World Poker Fund continue their unique asset management style by acquiring the intellectual property rights specialists RealDeck for a reported $15m.

World Poker Fund Holdings (WPF) continues to invest in the poker industry without letting any of their hole cards go to showdown, after acquiring RealDeck Inc for $15m.

Each time I see a press release associated with the WPF my mind goes back to the International Stadiums Poker Tour (ISPT). Industry knowledge of the movers and shakers is sparse. Their impact is not understandable. The same was true of the ISPT when accidental press releases would arrive in the overflowing inbox. But the ISPT did hold a poker tournament like none other.

Hopes that the WPF will follow suit are dwindling. RealDeck is a gaming technology company that specialises in intellectual property rights. Established in 2005, they have patents in play readying to bring a new level of ‘integrity’ and ‘transparency’ to the poker industry. They have a beta product currently in operation. They are looking for an early 2016 launch date. An 11-year gap. That’s a long time.