WSOPC Rio: Spinella history; Iacofano ME win; Joseph takes Casino title

A round-up of the World Series of Poker Circuit action at the Rio in Las Vegas including a piece of history for Anthony Spinella, and seats in the Global Casino Championships for Kevin Iacofano and Jeremy Joseph.

The world as stopped on its axis. It’s snowing outside. Everyone has crammed into the coffee shop, screwing with my chi. Plastic sledges outnumber umbrellas. Kids with fingers you could snap clean off run around excited – they think Santa is coming back.

It’s the perfect time to play some online poker.

I don’t know the last time Anthony Spinella’s bony arse met a sledge, but I do know the last time he played online poker. It was a few days ago, in Las Vegas. It wasn’t his most profitable evening, but it was one that will forever remain in the history books.