You are what you eat: 10 tips for healthy home eating

We all have our vices when it comes to the food groups, making healthy eating choices when you are working from home can be tough. While we may enjoy the idea of working in our pyjamas and binging on Ben & Jerry’s, working at home can require some serious self-discipline. The food choices that you make can have a serious effect on your work output.

Unlike the office, there’s plenty of food available at home. You have the fridge to yourself and an endless supply of coffee options. Working within proximity of the kitchen can cause some serious damage not just to your waistline, your gym goals but also cause a downturn in productivity. A bad start to the day can force you into a vicious cycle of raiding the fridge for some comfort food.

A good day working remotely will see you get shit done, exercise and move from your desk and most importantly a balanced meal plan.

If you’re new to working from home or need some advice for improving your output, read our top tips. Once you get into the flow, working from home can be very fulfilling and productive. Here are some tips from the team to help you make the right food choices when you are working from home.