Tout Adam Meyer claimed his snitching led to FBI seizing $750m from online bookies

Adam Meyer, the sports betting tout accused of a violent extortion plot against a Wisconsin sports bettor, claimed he helped the US federal government seize over $750m from online sports betting operators.

On Tuesday, the Wisconsin federal court handling Meyer’s extortion, fraud and weapons charges unsealed documents filed by Meyer’s former lawyer Joel Hirschhorn, who Meyer fired earlier this year.

The documents flesh out Meyer’s original plans to employ a ‘public authority’ defense, justifying his illegal activities as being done at the behest of law enforcement agencies to support his Donnie Brasco-style undercover work.

Meyer, who formally headed up the Real Money Sports prediction service, was arrested last December after Wisconsin businessman/sports betting whale Gary Sadoff told authorities that Meyer had extorted $25m from him and threatened him with a gun if he didn’t cough up even more money.