The Massachusetts legislature is wasting no time getting its legislative ducks in a row via the introduction of new/old online gambling and lottery bills.
This week witnessed the arrival of SD.618, ‘An Act Relative to Gaming’ introduced by state Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr. The bill is a stub, consisting of only three paragraphs, only one of which actually clarifies what Tarr hopes to legalize.
The bill seeks to set up a Priority Expense Fund, into which the state’s internet gambling proceeds will be directed. The allowable “gaming operations” may not “include or reflect gaming mechanisms operated by the state lottery program of those simulating or resembling slot machines, so-called.”
SD.618 is identical to the bill Tarr introduced in November 2015, which ultimately went nowhere, as did the bill Tarr introduced in 2013. Tarr’s bill also surfaced just days after State Sen. Jennifer Flanagan reintroduced her failed 2016 legislation that would allow the Massachusetts State Lottery to take its action online.