Pennsylvania’s gambling expansion push geared up for a legislative showdown on Wednesday after the state House of Representatives sent its own plan to the Senate for further revision.
On Wednesday, the House Rules Committee approved an amended version of HB 271, which the state Senate approved last week. The House version differs markedly from the Senate bill, including the contentious issue of video gaming terminals (VGT) in thousands of bars and clubs.
When the House started debate on the bill at 5pm local time, many members complained that the House computer system had only just made the bill available, and given that it’s a 675-page monstrosity – although the first 200 pages are strike-throughs – they wanted more time to read the thing.
Those who did read the bill came equipped with the day’s most popular epithet, calling HB 271 the “slots and shots” bill, referencing the proposal to allow VGTs in venues that hold state liquor licenses. If any pols had taken a shot every time that phrase was uttered, they’d have been soused enough to have voted for VGTs in daycares without giving a damn about the consequences.