PokerStars revert to 15% live payouts; Garry Gates new player go to guy

PokerStars has appointed Garry Gates to the position of Senior Consultant of Player Affairs, and he has gotten to work immediately by changing the payout structure from 20% to 15% at PokerStars live events.

PokerStars has backtracked on their decision to move to a payout structure that pays 20% of the field preferring a return to the old model of 15%.

You won’t find the announcement on Twitter, nor Facebook, nor in the form of a personal note dropped into your email. I discovered the news after reading a blog post from Garry Gates talking about his appointment to the position of Senior Consultant of Player Affairs for PokerStars Live.

In the post, found on the PokerStars Corporate Blog, Gates talks about receiving assurances from the company’s top brass that he would have the necessary resources and support to carry out these duties authentically.