3: Barrels of a PokerStars Team Pro flavour including Jaime Staples winning his weight loss bet with Bill Perkins, Andre Akkari getting to play some poker with Neymar Jr., and Liv Boeree talking probabilities on Tedx.
Jaime Staples can stop munching on paper napkins after his brother Matthew helped him to victory in their $150,000 Weight Bet with the Hedge Fund manager and poker lover Bill Perkins.
Perkins offered the brothers 50:1 odds that they pair couldn’t get within 1lb of each other in 12-months, after spending time with them on his yacht during the filming of ‘Streamboat’. The date and time of the weigh-in were specific – 5 pm March 25, 2018.
The PokerStars Online Pro weighed in at 305lbs at the time of the bet, whereas his brother weighed 135lbs. Over 10,000 people tuned into Jaime’s Twitch Channel to watch the official weigh-in at the Peppermill Restaurant during RunItUp Live, and the pair, officiated by Jeff Gross, weighed in at 188.3 lbs each.