Online betting website X-bet has announced the permanent termination of its sponsorship contract to ProDotaCup due to betting irregularities, collusion and match fixing that have been reported by the operator to the organizers of the tournament.
According to X-bet’s spokesperson Russ Stevens, match fixing and collusion have occurred between Sqreen’s Squad vs Nemiga Gaming during the Upper-Bracket Preliminary of ProDotaCup Europe #25. As a result, the match was denied by the admins. Even though the action, that wasn’t the first time the operator is experiencing such event. has beensponsoring the ProDotaCup since 1st of June, 2017. During the sponsorship, the betting website has experienced match fixing at least 3 times that have all been reported to the organizers.
Russ Stevens from has commented: “Match fixing causes a financial loss to the operator but what is worse is that it jeopardizes the relationship between the teams and the eSports fans which affects the eSports community as a whole.”