nChain CEO: Experienced Bitcoin developers are in scarce supply globally

This is a guest contribution by Jasmine Solana, Associate Editor at She interviews nChain CEO David Washburn, who explains that he doesn’t expect businesses to hire or become Bitcoin experts. Instead, they can turn to nChain for help. This article first appeared on

Bitcoin is dead. It’s died more than a hundred times—if you believe the mainstream media, that is. The digital currency and blockchain industries, however, are far from dead; just take a look at the job market.

According to data from job search engine Indeed, job postings in the Bitcoin space jumped 1,457% during the September 2015-September 2019 period. LinkedIn also rated blockchain as the top “hard skill”—aka a skill companies need most—in 2020.

Blockchain “is the most in-demand skill in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Australia,” according to the job site.