Spain’s gambling ad spending rises, state lotteries biggest spenders

Spain’s gambling operators boosted their advertising spending over 10% in 2019 but it was the state-owned lotteries who spent like drunken sailors.

On Wednesday, the Spanish Association of Advertisers (AEA) released its Advertising Observatory in Spain 2020 report, which ranked gambling and betting 11th among the list of top-spending industry sectors with a combined outlay of €145.6m in 2019.

That sum represented a 10.6% increase from 2018’s ad buys, even as the overall market’s ad spending fell 0.6% year-on-year. Gaming was one of only two sectors to post a noticeable increase in spending last year (the other being ‘industrial, material and agricultural,’ which spent 29.3% more).

In terms of ‘notoriety,’ defined by the AEA as “the number of people who remember having seen or heard advertising for a brand,’ gaming ranked 15th, just behind ‘home’ and just ahead of ‘personal items.’