Slot game adaptation on the fly

This is a guest contribution by Sergiy Logvynenko, Account Manager at Sigma Software. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.

The online casino world has developed very intensely in the last few years and the biggest impact is the number of games. First of all – slot games. Any player can select something that will fit his or her preferences. Seems that nowadays every casino operator suggests about a thousand slot games or even more. 

I love the comparison of Casino + slot games with Netflix + movies. It is not exactly the same but sounds similar. There are a huge amount of titles that create a problem for a player to select something. Casino operators work on that situation by using different recommendation systems based on player profiles and previous playing experience. It does not work so well as they would prefer. At the same time, it is something.

I would like to touch on another side of this situation and look at it from the game provider’s point of view. As a provider, you are spending a huge amount of time designing, developing the game, passing certifications, and adapting to different regulations. Finally, you end up in a situation when your game is on the market and it needs to compete with hundreds or even thousands of similar games. Of course, your game has unique selling points and you have the best marketing team and solid budget to promote it. The player will try the game. Will he or she play for a long time? Let’s be honest – sometimes it happens, but not so often. It happens because a player likes the game, but not everything in the game – i.e. he/she likes math, but the game is too “slow” visually or has too many effects. These are just some examples to mention. There are a few more important reasons to switch to another game – the game becomes boring after some time or today the player wants to relax and prefers to have a game with relaxing sounds, etc.