Vanessa Selbst’s first attempt at organizing a charity poker event turned out to be very successful one after her Blinds & Justice charity event raised $160k for the Urban Justice Center in New York.
Homelessness has ever so adroitly entered my mind these past few days. Whilst I am Brussels, I have an empty two-bedroom apartment back in Cardiff. A few feet away there will be people sleeping on pieces of cardboard harassed by drunks on their way home from the pub.
This haunting imagery won’t leave. It’s evocative. It’s pulling at my heartstrings. Only fear holds me back from doing something about it, but for how long?
One person who is doing something about this problem is PokerStars Team Pro Vanessa Selbst. The most successful female poker player in the history of the sport, is a board member at the Urban Justice Center: a non-profit that has helped serve New York City’s most vulnerable residents for the past 30 years, including helping people access housing.