Whether you’re an ICE Totally Gaming newbie or a long-time aficionado, downloading the ICE App will come in handy.
ICE Totally Gaming is returning to London Excel on February 2nd to 4th.
2015 marked the sixth consecutive year of growth for what is described as the world’s biggest business-to–business gaming event. Last year, more than 25,000 visitors from 133 different countries attended the event.
As part of the marketing campaign for ICE 2016, Cinebop—the creative studio which won the coveted Association of Exhibition Organisers Innovation Award for its ICE 2015 movie invitation—produced a trailer inviting the gaming professionals to enter the Gaming Technopolis, the surreal, pop-up city which is open to do business for just three days. Technopolis is an annual mecca for gaming professionals drawn from over 100 nations.