This is a guest contribution by Martina Danelaite. She leads the content teams of DroidSlots and MobileSlots4U affiliate sites, plus a handful of online casino and bingo brands too. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.
No means no – direct marketing calls, that is. Cast your mind back to the last time you were called by someone offering you a ‘good deal’ on insurance or asking you to complete a ‘quick lifestyle survey’ when you were in the middle of doing something. Chances are you were annoyed, perhaps even felt that your privacy has been violated. Worse still, you were perhaps too polite to hang up or ask that no more calls would be made to your number, meaning you’re stuck with being rung up at the whim of these companies.
When the tables are turned and you are the one deciding whether you should make cold calling part of your casino marketing strategy, you should remember that this technique is something people love to hate. Actually, cold calling in the gambling industry is gambling in itself: will you ring someone who would welcome that free bonus or will they be looking for the very first way out of the awkward conversation?
And that’s assuming they haven’t blocked out nuisance calls through third party software or by simply not picking up a call from an unknown number in the first place. All things considered, it’s a paper-thin line to walk between a marketing calling being deemed a pain or a delight. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves to determine what the best practises of cold calling in the online gambling industry should be.