The Global Poker Index has increased its footprint in China after partnering with China’s largest online poker room, Tencent Poker, in a move that will see players who compete in the Tencent Poker Tour have their points recognised by the GPI.
Is the next poker boom going to be in China?
If it is, the Global Poker Index (GPI) and Global Poker League (GPL) will be ready and waiting after founder Alex Dreyfus entered into an agreement with China’s largest online poker platform Tencent Poker.
The new arrangement will see the GPI incorporate the Tencent Poker Tour (TPT) into their ranking system. Players participating in TPT events will see the GPI points awarded as they currently do for the World Series of Poker (WSOP), World Poker Tour (WPT), PokerStars Championships and thousands of other tournaments operating globally. The GPI ranks 460,000 players competing in 97 countries, now including the country with the largest population in the world.