Atlantic City’s shuttered Revel casino is once again the subject of sale reports, and once again the property’s owner is denying any knowledge of a deal.
Last month, reports circulated that Ten RE ACNJ LLC, an entity linked to Colorado-based developer Bruce Deifik, had filed ‘agreement of sale’ paperwork regarding Revel with the Atlantic County clerk’s office. But Revel’s owner, Florida developer Glenn Straub, rubbished these reports, claiming to have never talked to anyone related to the filing.
On Tuesday, multiple media outlets reported that another Deifik-linked company, AC Ocean Walk LLC, which is managed by Ten RE ACNJ LLC, had filed a “notice of settlement contract of sale” with the Atlantic County clerk’s office regarding Revel. However, the notice failed to specify a selling price and, more importantly, was unsigned.
Once again, Straub is claiming this is all much ado about nothing. Straub told the Philadelphia Inquirer that he “never signed anything.” The always eloquent Straub said “screwballs come out of the woodwork” and that “I don’t know who the hell anybody is from Denver.” (Suck it, Elway!)