Becky’s Affiliated: Online Mahjong, the unsung hero of the Asia gambling market

With another successful G2E Asia under our belts and an AGB Networking Social coming up next week in Manila, opportunities and activity in the Asian gambling market are fresh in our minds. We’re all aware of the healthy Asian appetite for gambling, but the types of games cherished in the East remain somewhat of a mystery to those of us from the West.

Marc Dannenberg, Owner and CEO of, has a deep passion for Mahjong and bringing the popular Asian game online for real money play, for anyone around the globe to enjoy.

“I was very familiar with Mahjong due to the fact my Mother played with her friends and the tile clacking kept me up at night. I fell in love with the idea of making Mahjong as big online as it was in real life”, Dannenberg shared.

While Mahjong is a game already enjoyed throughout the world, there are pockets of regions where Mahjong is engrained in the culture and holds national sport prestige.