Category Archives: Lottery

Mississippi vote shrinks number of lottery-free US states to five

The number of US states with no lottery products whatsoever has shrunk to five after Mississippi legislators did an overnight about-face on a lottery bill.

On Tuesday, the Mississippi House of Representatives voted 58-54 in favor of a bill that would allow the creation of a state lottery. Mississippi is currently one of only six US states that has no lottery. (The other states are Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah.)

The vote was preceded by a positive vote in the state Senate on Monday, then a separate House vote on Monday night that defeated the bill by a margin of 60-54. That prompted some furious backroom arm-twisting and lobbying, leading to the second House vote on Tuesday.

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, a longtime lottery proponent, initially chastised House Democrats for the bill’s defeat, but the GOP holds a majority in the House, and of the eight legislators who switched their votes on Tuesday, five were Republicans.

Michael Brady: Innovation comes from regulated markets opening up

In this interview with’s Becky Liggero, Bede Gaming Ltd. founder Michael Brady explains how regulated markets help promote innovation in the lottery and bingo gaming sectors.

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