The Caribbean Gaming Show and Summit brought together a lot of operators keen to gain more knowledge regarding the potential of the Mexican market and the whole LatAm region from a general perspective.
BtoBet’s Kostandina Zafirovska, who travelled to Cancun to attend last week’s exhibition that took place from the 26th till the 27th April, expressed great satisfaction regarding the interest that operators have shown in BtoBet’s products. She also gave a positive review regarding the potential of the Mexican market with the new impending iGaming regulation “not a matter of if but of when”.
During a presentation she delivered during the show, delving into the subject of the “Opportunities for operators entering Latin America’s Gaming Sector”, Kostandina opinioned her view that “the opportunities on offer in LatAm are coming into sharper focus, and as the region follows the path to endorse the new and updated regulatory framework, the potential to be a tremendous driver of growth for the industry in the coming years truly emerges as a major factor.”
However, and rightly so, she emphasized the demanding aspects of the region stressing the fact that operators must be aware of the requirements for each individual market in the LatAm scenario, highlighting the need for a flexible platform as the key driver for success.