This is a guest contribution by Martin Owens. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.
Surely this is the season to pause and reflect, and to be grateful for blessings conferred.
I would like to extend sincere thanks all my clients, here and abroad, for choosing me to counsel and represent their interests; to Professor Nelson Rose, the renowned gambling law authority; to Gaming Law Review, Calvin Ayre and the other blogs and periodicals who print my little ruminations; and many others near and far, for their help, counsel and companionship Some of these it would be indelicate to mention just now, but gratitude is none the less.
And especially I would like to extend thanks and good wishes to the online gaming community, operators, odds-makers, payment processors, software companies, vendors of associated services, and even the other wise-guy mouthpiece lawyers who service this racket. But most of all I send my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the online players, without whom none of us would be here.