An Illinois Lottery jackpot winner is out $50k after a court ruled that police were correct in claiming the ticket was purchased with the proceeds of crime.
Last week, the Fourth District Appeals Court ruled that Illinois police were right to seize the payout from the $3 scratch ticket following their November 2014 raid on the apartment of Terrance Norwood, who was sentenced one year ago to 16 years in stripes for drug trafficking, drug possession and weapons offenses.
At the time of the raid, Norwood told police that he was getting out of the drug trade because he’d just won $50k via a scratch ticket. Paperwork to claim the winnings had already been filed with the Illinois Lottery.
Norwood’s longtime live-in girlfriend, Tykisha Lofton, was present at the time of the raid, yet denied knowing her boyfriend was dealing cocaine and marijuana. She also claimed not to have noticed the SKS-style assault rifle Norwood kept in their bedroom.