New Jersey online casino robust, online poker slide continues

New Jersey’s regulated online gambling market earned revenue of $10.4m in February, up $100k over January‘s take despite another seven-figure online casino jackpot.

Notwithstanding that $1.5m jackpot at Betfair’s online casino last month, the casino vertical rose 16.1% year-on-year to $8.35m. The online poker vertical persisted in its tilting ways, falling 34.2% year-on-year to $2.05m, down nearly 11% from January’s take.

The Borgata/ Interactive combo continued its market domination, capturing $3.7m of the overall revenue pie. The casino vertical accounted for $2.6m (+100k), while poker added $1.1m (-$180k).

Caesars Interactive Entertainment sites, including, earned $2.5m, with nearly $1.6m from casino and $942k from poker. CIE’s overall revenue was down $150k from January, with casino down $100k and poker off by $50k.