It was just a year ago the Paytm launched their new gaming platform, Gamepind. According to a report from the company, they have reached the 30 million registered user mark, a remarkable achievement for a platform that has only been in operation for about 12 months.
Gamepind Entertainment Private Limited is the collaborative project of Paytm and Alibaba and has seen dramatic growth since its inception. They reported a 20 percent growth per month since it began operations with over 70 million gameplays each month.
The Indian based company has long established itself as a leading digital wallet and e-payment system but jumped into the online gambling world in May 208. In February 2019, Paytm added another arm to their building empire, adding additional features to their mobile app, including both rummy and fantasy sports.
This came through a joint venture with One97 Communications Limited, which offered their products through Paytm’s homepage. This integrated well with Gamepind, created by VinfoTech for Paytm, which offered such daily fantasy sports (DFS) games as football, cricket, and others.