Asia’s leading casino junket operator Suncity Group has assured investors that they won’t be forced to bear losses caused by the pandemic-related implosion of Macau’s gaming market.
In a note issued to shareholders this week, Suncity warned that it had suffered a financial loss during the period spanning February to May due to the “immense impact” of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Asia-Pacific casino industry.
However, Suncity CEO Alvin Chau said the company had built up a “robust fiscal foundation” over the previous fat years, and thus “shareholders will be exempted from the loss” the company has endured since COVID-19 devastated the global gaming industry.
Unlike its sister firm Suncity Group Holdings, which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Suncity junket business is privately held. The company told GGRAsia that the ‘shareholders’ mentioned in the notice referred to “passive investors who do not participate in the day-to-day decisions of operating the company.”