UK Pensioners celebrate pension changes by putting it all on red

Two years after the former chancellor, George Osbourne, gave pensioners the option to withdraw a lump sum rather than buy annuities, a review of the decision has thrown up a few who took the opportunity to have a little flutter.

My old man retired last year.

I’ve never met a harder worker. It didn’t matter how hungover he was; he would drag his arse into work no matter how he felt, and with very little fuss. He leaves with nothing except a state pension, having neither the money, luck nor the foresight to save a few pennies for this particular rainy day.

A few years before his retirement, he worked abroad banging in the hours and earning some good money. Rather than save it for his retirement, he spent it. Each time I knocked on the door for a visit, there was a different door, a new kitchen, a new backyard.