2015 is shaping up to be a big year for online gaming. California and Pennsylvania will revisit their online gambling bills; several other states are also likely to look into iGaming; sports betting will continue to be a hot topic in New Jersey and perhaps beyond; and the Daily Fantasy Sports industry continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
With this in mind, I’ve compiled a list of Twitter personalities that anyone interested in poker, gambling, gaming, and Fantasy Sports should follow.
Before I get started, let me point out that there is no doubt in my mind I overlooked some deserving people on this list, but the great thing about Twitter is the connectivity, so the people I have overlooked will become apparent simply by following the people listed below.
Victor Rocha @VictorRocha1 – 2015 is going to be all about the bass… I mean California (sorry, that song is catchy) and there is nobody with their finger on the pulse of the gaming industry and tribal interests in the Golden State more than Pechanga.com editor Victor Rocha. Rocha’s Twitter feed is full of relevant links to gaming and tribal stories as well as Rocha’s own thoughts on a variety of topics.
Chris Grove @OPReport – Analysis, data, and informed commentary are the hallmark of the OnlinePokerReport.com Editor’s Twitter account. In addition to his insightful tweets, you’ll also be following the best live-tweeter in the business.
Adam Krejcik @akrejcik – An Eilers Research Analyst, Krejcik is one of the Internet’s go-to sources for Daily Fantasy Sports news and information (what do you mean you’re not following DFS, it’s all the rage), as well as offering up his insights into the iPoker and iGaming industries.
Chris Krafcik @ckrafcik – The top man (North American Research Director) at one of the top iGaming news outlets (Gambling Compliance) is a must follow. Krafcik is not the most prolific tweeter in the world, but when he does tweet it’s often information no one else is privy to.
Adam Small @A damLoebSmall – The PocketFives.com cofounder provides excellent insight on a variety of iGaming and poker issues. Small is a regular contributor to Twitter discussions on just about any topic that happens to capture his interest.
John Mehaffey @John_Mehaffey – The longtime poker industry columnist is a fountain of information on the industry as well as the local Las Vegas gambling scene, to the point that it sometimes seems like he has a mental database of the location of every gaming machine and table in Clark County.
Alun @Poker_Hack – A leading poker industry authority (and the Head of Content at Pageant Gaming Media) with a unique and varied perspective on the industry; he can also lay claim to one of the best Twitter snark games going; oh, and he hates semicolons.
_Tizzle @_Tizzle – A true poker industry insider (Tizzle is one of the minds behind PokerTracker), with strong insights and opinions, an incredible rolodex, and a very refined palate – _Tizzle is the go-to authority for fine dining in the poker community.
Alex Weldon @benefactumgames – A new columnist in the poker industry over at PartTimePoker, Alex is a really strong player and as a board game designer is able to dissect promotions and games like few others. His premiere column which included an adjustable fish to shark ecology model put him on the map and he’s been churning out good content ever since.
Marco Valerio @AgentMarco – The former QuadJacks presenter and interviewer extraordinaire has moved on to a larger role in the iGaming world. Marco is well-connected, covers all aspects of gaming, and filled with just the right amount of wanderlust (is there a conference he doesn’t attend?).
Kim Lund @InfiniteEdgeKim – While most of the people on this list advocate for expansion, consultant and longtime industry man Kim Lund focuses on an ancillary aspect of the gaming industry, as he continues to beat the drum for improved ecologies.
Robert DellaFave @DivergentGames – Somewhere between a commentator and an analyst, DellaFave is one of the top reporters in iGaming, with his work featured at a number of prominent sites. DellaFave has a keen eye for the analytics of the industry and often breaks down data from traffic reports to tournament series.
Roger Gros @GlobalGamingBiz – Along with California, another big story in 2015 will almost certainly be the continued remaking of Atlantic City and potential sports betting legalization in the state. So if you’re not following Global Gaming Biz’s Roger Gros for your New Jersey information, you’re doing it wrong.
Michelle Minton @MichelleMinton – Michelle offers up a libertarian point of view to the legalization discussion, and does so in a very academic way. Minton’s dissection of the 1961 Wire Act was key in pushing back against Sheldon Adelson’s online gambling prohibition efforts. The poker world owes Michelle a debt of gratitude for her research, writing, and diligence on this issue.
Steve Ruddock @SteveRuddock – Hey, that’s me! My Twitter account is full of iGaming links (to my stories and others), some opinions, and the occasionally witty remark.