Online SportsBook BetOnline tried their hand at producing original content this past week, something that a gambling site doesn’t usually do when dollars are not on the line, when they released “The Final Dance” featuring former Chicago Bulls Horace Grant, Ron Harper, Bill Cartwright, and Craig Hodges.
But how to drive some buzz and cut through the clutter around so much content about the show? Stir the pot. Hosted by NBC Chicago and ESPN Radio personality Dave Kaplan, sparks flew as the talent delved into their take on “The Last Dance”. Gasoline got thrown on the fire as Grant ripped Jordan multiple times, calling him a “snitch” and liar”. This sound bite took over social media and the discussion shows the following day. Contrived? Preplanned? Who knows. One thing is for sure, it found it’s way to the mainstream.
The overall consensus from the guests was that Scottie Pippen was portrayed unfairly, and they all respected Jerry Krause. Bill Cartwright didn’t think the Bulls would have won titles if Doug Collins continued to be the coach. Who knows? No one. The point is that the SportsBook needed an edge, and by asking some of the right quotations with the right talent, they found it.

The entire and unedited 47 minute video roundtable interview, produced on the Socialive video platform, can be viewed here.